New animated web-series "Disposable" by Ted Rall
Nationally syndicated political cartoonist Ted Rall and I(david essman) have completed the pilot episode for a new animated web-series "Disposable" which follows a family as they struggle to survive in...
View ArticleANIMATION- Disposable- Sarah's Big Day by Ted Rall
Nationally syndicated political cartoonist Ted Rall and I(david essman) have completed episode 2 of our animated web-series "Disposable" which follows a family as they struggle to survive in what's...
View ArticleANIMATION- Disposable- Refi Redo by Ted Rall
Nationally syndicated political cartoonist Ted Rall and I(david essman) have completed episode 3 of our animated web-series "Disposable" which follows a family as they struggle to survive in what's...
View ArticleANIMATION- Disposable- Customer Service by Ted Rall
Nationally syndicated political cartoonist Ted Rall and I(david essman) have completed episode 4 of our animated web-series "Disposable" which follows a family as they struggle to survive in what's...
View ArticleAnimation-Disposable- Indecent Proposal by Ted Rall
Nationally syndicated political cartoonist Ted Rall and I(david essman) have completed episode 5 of our animated web-series "Disposable" which follows a family as they struggle to survive in what's...
View ArticleAnimation-Disposable- New Boss, Same as the old Boss by Ted Rall
Nationally syndicated political cartoonist Ted Rall and I(david essman) have completed episode 6 of our animated web-series "Disposable" which follows a family as they struggle to survive in what's...
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